Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Sorry about the delay on the workout routine post. This workout is known as the old school routine, "Pushups". It has been around for a long long time, but yet it's effectiveness has never fail us before.

Target areas : Pectoralis Major, Triceps Brachii, Anterior Deltoids

.................Image 1.............................Image 2....................
1. Place your palms on the floor, one grip away from your shoulders. Use the ball of your feet to stabilize yourself on the ground.
2. Slowly lower your chest to the ground and before touching the ground, slowly push yourself back up without locking of your elbows. Then repeat the movement back in Image 1.
(* Keep your core tight in order to perform a more effective pushup)

For those of you out there who are interested in working on those chest muscles whether a guy or girl, try this out. You will not regret it; it's a promise!

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