Monday, March 3, 2008


Hi everyone, its trainerqunling here. I am very thankful for all of you to have stick around with me on this website for so long. For those of you who have noticed, I've launched a challenge 2 months back. Today is my 50% checking for my results, I will be posting up my pictures and my statistics. But then it will not be on this website, the reason why; I find that I need a more appropriate website to be organizing my information on fitness. So therefore, I am going to launch my offcial site today itself. So please visit

For all my updates and information, please visit the site, you will NOT regret it. You will even find useful workout routines in that site along with other fitness information.

This will be my LAST post, everything will be starting from

Thanks for supporting

Yours in fit,
"Live Life; Stay Strong"

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Day 56 - End of Week 8

Breakfast : coffee, wholemeal bread, jam, microwaved egg 412 kcal

Snack : granola bar 91 kcal

Lunch : wholemeal sandwich, tomato, cucumber, thousand island, smoked chicken roll 699.65 kcal

Pre workout shake : NO-Xplode 30 kcal

Post workout shake : whey protein, milk 204 kcal

Dinner : microwaved rice with onions, pork fillet, fresh lettuce 619.08 kcal

Total calories consumed today : 2055.73 kcal

PS : Hey everyone, tomorrow will be my checking for my 50% of my results from my challenge so far, so please check in and have a look or perhaps comment on whether how far has I reached or anything at all. Much appreciated. Thanks.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Day 55

Snack : granola bar 94.1 kcal

Breakfast : coffee, microwaved egg, bun 528 kcal

Pre workout shake : NO-Xplode 30 kcal

Post workout shake : whey protein, milk 204 kcal

Lunch : fusilli, brocolli, tuna, mayonaise 505.71 kcal

Dinner : microwaved rice with carrot and chicken fillet 425.14 kcal

Snack : strawberries, cheese 81.5 kcal

Total calories consumed today : 1868.45 kcal

Friday, February 29, 2008

Day 54

Breakfast : coffee, cereal, milk, M&Ms 347 kcal

Lunch : fusilli, tomato, lettuce, mayonaise, tuna 567.27 kcal

Snack : mandarin orange 45 kcal

Dinner : microwaved rice with pork fillet, carrot, potato 625.34 kcal

Snack : bread, jam, cheese 330 kcal

Total calories consumed today : 1914.61 kcal

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Day 53

Snack : granola bar 94.1 kcal

Breakfast : coffee, wholemeal bread, jam, bun,microwaved egg, mandarin orange 498 kcal

Pre workout shake : NO-Xplode 30 kcal

Post workout shake : whey protein, milk 204 kcal

Lunch : tomato, brocolli, fusilli, grilled pork 621.34 kcal

Dinner : microwaved rice with soy tofu & pork fillet 561.24 kcal

Snack : apple 70 kcal

Total calories consumed today : 2078.68 kcal

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Day 52

Breakfast : mango juice, bread, turkey ham 451.6 kcal

Snack : coffee, bun, granola bar 369.1 kcal

Pre workout shake : NO-Xplode 30 kcal

Post workout shake : whey protein, milk 204 kcal

Lunch : potato, fusilli, tomato, cucumber, grilled pork 624.07 kcal

Dinner : microwaved rice with carrots, pork strips, basil 418.97 kcal

Snack : strawberries 50 kcal

Total calories consumed today : 2147.74 kcal

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Day 51

Breakfast : coffee, microwaved egg, wholemeal bread, jam 613 kcal

Pre workout shake : NO-Xplode 30 kcal

Post workout shake : whey protein, milk 194 kcal

Lunch : fusilli, tuna, onion, soy tofu 609.25 kcal

Dinner : grilled soya sauce pork with stewed rice, lettuce and light thousand island dressing 469.09 kcal

Snack : sweet corn 108.708 kcal

Snack : strawberries 50 kcal

Total calories consumed today : 2074.048 kcal

Day 50

Breakfast : coffee, cereal, milk 485 kcal

Pre workout shake : NO-Xplode 30 kcal

Post workout shake : whey protein, milk 194 kcal

Lunch : tuna, microwaved egg, tomato, wholemeal bread 472.35 kcal

Dinner : rice, grilled chicken, boiled brocolli & carrot, tomato 514.29 kcal

Total calories consumed today : 1695.64 kcal